• Preparing for This Section Almost every section has a prebuilt “Preparing for…” assignment with a list of prerequisite skills that are necessary for students to succeed in the section. Review content is available along with a MyLab assignment to assess the student's understanding of the material.
  • Objectives A list of learning objectives for the section is provided.
  • Great efforts were made to extensively incorporate real data in the exercises and examples to pique your students’ interest and show the relevance of statistics.
  • Step-by-Step Examples guide students from problem to solution in easy-to-follow steps. Solutions are also provided via video (by hand, TI-84C, StatCrunch, and Excel). Follow-up exercises assess understanding of the material presented. Many of the examples also provide a traditional text solution.  Technology steps are provided within examples that include video solutions using TI-84 calculators, StatCrunch, or Excel.

  • Applet Activities appear throughout the text and help students learn concepts through an experiential approach. Follow-up MyLab exercises assess the student’s understanding of the concepts.

  • In Other Words/Caution Animations Throughout the course, students encounter In Other Words animated videos with avatars. The In Other Words videos are meant to take statistical definitions and concepts and state them in simple, everyday language. The Caution animated videos are meant to alert students to the pitfalls in conducting statistical analysis.

  • A Chapter Summary delivered via video using a MindMap. The MindMap visual summary is available as a pdf that may be downloaded from the Tools for Success. The chapter summary also includes the following:
    • A list of key chapter Vocabulary with pop-up definitions.
    • A list of Formulas used in the chapter.
    • Chapter Objectives listed with corresponding examples for each objective.
    • Review Exercises have been coded as MyLab exercises so that students can complete them in MyLab Statistics.
    • Chapter Test with answers available. Plus, each chapter test problem has complete worked out video solutions (by hand, TI-84C, StatCrunch, and Excel).
    • Informed Decisions and Case Study projects allow students to utilize the skills learned within the chapter.