Chapter 1   Integrated Review:  Getting Ready for Organizing and Summarizing Data

Note:  The material in this chapter should be covered in conjunction with Chapter 1 Data Collection, and prior to Chapter 2 Organizing and Summarizing Data.

1.IR1 Fundamentals of Fractions

  1. Identify Terms Used with Fractions
  2. Find Equivalent Fraction
  3. Write a Fraction in Lowest Terms

1.IR2 Fundamentals of Decimals

  1. Understand the Place Value of a Decimal Number
  2. Read and Write Decimals in Words
  3. Write Decimals as Fractions
  4. Round Decimals to a Given Place Value

1.IR3 The Real Number Line

  1. Classify Numbers
  2. Plot Points on a Real Number Line
  3. Use Inequalities to Order Real Numbers
  4. Compute the Absolute Value of a Real Number

1.IR4 Fundamentals of Percent Notation

  1. Define Percent
  2. Convert Percents to Decimals and Decimals to Percents
  3. Convert Percents to Fractions and Fractions to Percents

1.IR5 Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

  1. Multiply Fractions
  2. Divide Fractions

1.IR6 Adding and Subtracting Fractions

  1. Add or Subtract Fractions with Like Denominators
  2. Find the Least Common Denominator and Equivalent Fractions
  3. Add or Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators

1.IR7 Operations on Decimals

  1. Add or Subtract Decimals
  2. Multiply Decimals
  3. Divide a Decimal by a Whole Number
  4. Divide a Decimal by a Decimal
  5. Divide Decimals by Powers of 10
  6. Convert a Fraction to a Decimal

1.IR8 Language Used in Modeling

  1. Use Models That Involve Addition and Subtraction
  2. Use Models That Involve Multiplication
  3. Use Models That Involve Division

Chapter 2  Integrated Review:  Getting Ready for Numerically Summarizing Data

Note:  The material in this chapter should be covered in conjunction with Chapter 2 Organizing and Summarizing Data, and prior to Chapter 3 Numerically Summarizing Data.

2.IR1 Exponents and the Order of Operations

  1. Evaluate Exponential Expressions
  2. Apply the Rules for Order of Operations

2.IR2 Square Roots

  1. Evaluate Square Roots
  2. Determine Whether a Square Root Is Rational, Irrational, or Not a Real Number

2.IR3 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions; Summation Notation

  1. Evaluate Algebraic Expressions
  2. Identify Like Terms and Unlike Terms
  3. Use the Distributive Property
  4. Simplify Algebraic Expressions by Combining Like Terms
  5. Use Summation Notation

2.IR4 Solving Linear Equations

  1. Determine Whether a Number Is a Solution to an Equation
  2. Solve Linear Equations
  3. Determine Whether an Equation Is a Conditional Equation, an Identity, or a Contradiction

2.IR5 Using Linear Equations to Solve Problems

  1. Translate English Sentences into Mathematical Statements
  2. Model and Solve Direct Translation Problems
  3. Solve for a Variable in a Formula

Chapter 3 Integrated Review:  Getting Ready for Least-Squares Regression

Note:  The material in this chapter should be covered in conjunction with Chapter 3 Numerically Summarizing Data, and prior to Chapter 4 Describing the Relation between Two Variables.

3.IR1 The Rectangular Coordinate System and Equations in Two Variables

  1. Plot Points in the Rectangular Coordinate System
  2. Determine Whether an Ordered Pair Satisfies an Equation
  3. Create a Table of Values That Satisfy an Equation

3.IR2  Graphing Equations in Two Variables

  1. Graph a Line by Plotting Points
  2. Graph a Line Using Intercepts
  3. Graph Vertical and Horizontal Lines

3.IR3 Slope

  1. Find the Slope of a Line Given Two Points
  2. Find the Slope of Vertical and Horizontal Lines
  3. Graph a Line Using Its Slope and a Point on the Line
  4. Work with Applications of Slope

3.IR4 Slope-Intercept Form of a Line

  1. Use the Slope-Intercept Form to Identify the Slope and y-Intercept of a Line
  2. Graph a Line Whose Equation Is in Slope-Intercept Form
  3. Graph a Line Whose Equation Is in the Form Ax + By = C
  4. Find the Equation of a Line Given Its Slope and y-Intercept
  5. Work with Linear Models in Slope-Intercept Form

3.IR5  Point-Slope Form of a Line

  1. Find the Equation of a Line Given a Point and a Slope
  2. Find the Equation of a Line Given Two Points
  3. Build Linear Models from Data

Chapter 4 Integrated Review:  Getting Ready for Probability

Note:  The material in this chapter should be covered in conjunction with Chapter 4 Describing the Relation between Two Variables, and prior to Chapter 5 Probability.

4.IR1 Scientific Notation

  1. Convert Decimal Notation to Scientific Notation
  2. Convert Scientific Notation to Decimal Notation
  3. Use Scientific Notation to Multiply and Divide

4.IR2 Interval Notation; Intersection and Union of Sets

  1. Represent Inequalities Using the Real Number Line and Interval Notation
  2. Determine the Intersection or Union of Two Sets

4.IR3 Linear Inequalities

  1. Solve Linear Inequalities Using Properties of Inequalities
  2. Model Inequality Problems

Note:  There is no integrated review material to be covered in conjunction with Chapter 5 Probability, and prior to Chapter 6 Discrete Probability Distributions.

Chapter 6 Integrated Review: Getting Ready for the Normal Probability Distribution

Note:  The material in this chapter should be covered in conjunction with Chapter 6 Discrete Probability Distributions, and prior to Chapter 7 The Normal Probability Distribution.

6.IR1 Perimeter and Area of Polygons and Circles

  1. Find the Perimeter and Area of a Rectangle and a Square
  2. Find the Perimeter and Area of a Parallelogram and a Trapezoid
  3. Find the Perimeter and Area of a Triangle
  4. Find the Circumference and Area of a Circle

Note:  There is no integrated review material to be covered in conjunction with Chapter 7 The Normal Probability Distribution, and prior to Chapter 8 Sampling Distributions.

Chapter 8 Integrated Review:  Getting Ready for Confidence Intervals

Note:  The material in this chapter should be covered in conjunction with Chapter 8 Sampling Distributions, and prior to Chapter 9 Estimating the Value of a Parameter.

8.IR1 Compound Inequalities

  1. Solve Compound Inequalities Involving “and”
  2. Solve Compound Inequalities Involving “or”
  3. Solve Problems Using Compound Inequalities

8.IR2 Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities

  1. Solve Absolute Value Equations
  2. Solve Absolute Value Inequalities Involving < or <
  3. Solve Absolute Value Inequalities Involving > or >
  4. Solve Applied Problems Involving Absolute Value Inequalities


Appendix A  Functions, Exponential Functions, and Logarithmic Functions

Note:  The material in this chapter is optional and may be covered as part of an integrated review course.

A.IR1  Relations

  1. Understand Relations
  2. Find the Domain and the Range of a Relation
  3. Graph a Relation Defined by an Equation

A.IR2 An Introduction to Functions

  1. Determine Whether a Relation Expressed as a Map or Ordered Pairs Represents a Function
  2. Determine Whether a Relation Expressed as an Equation Represents a Function
  3. Determine Whether a Relation Expressed as a Graph Represents a Function
  4. Find the Value of a Function
  5. Find the Domain of a Function
  6. Work with Applications of Functions

A.IR3 Functions and Their Graphs

  1. Graph a Function
  2. Obtain Information from the Graph of a Function
  3. Know Properties and Graphs of Basic Functions
  4. Interpret Graphs of Functions

A.IR4 Linear Functions and Models

  1. Graph Linear Functions
  2. Find the Zero of a Linear Function
  3. Build Linear Models from Verbal Descriptions

Getting Ready for Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

  1. Simplify Exponential Expressions Using the Product Rule
  2. Simplify Exponential Expressions Using the Quotient Rule
  3. Evaluate Exponential Expressions with a Zero or Negative Exponent
  4. Simplify Exponential Expressions Using the Power Rule
  5. Simplify Exponential Expressions Containing Products or Quotients

A.IR5 Exponential Functions

  1. Evaluate Exponential Expressions
  2. Graph Exponential Functions
  3. Define the Number e
  4. Solve Exponential Equations
  5. Use Exponential Models That Describe Our World

A.IR6 Logarithmic Functions

  1. Change Exponential Equations to Logarithmic Equations
  2. Change Logarithmic Equations to Exponential Equations
  3. Evaluate Logarithmic Functions
  4. Determine the Domain of a Logarithmic Function
  5. Graph Logarithmic Functions
  6. Work with Natural and Common Logarithms
  7. Solve Logarithmic Equations
  8. Use Logarithmic Models That Describe Our World

A.IR7 Properties of Logarithms

  1. Understand the Properties of Logarithms
  2. Write a Logarithmic Expression as a Sum or Difference of Logarithms
  3. Write a Logarithmic Expression as a Single Logarithm
  4. Evaluate a Logarithm Whose Base Is Neither 10 Nor e

A.IR8 Exponential Equations

  1. Solve Exponential Equations
  2. Solve Equations Involving Exponential Models