We will use the data from Table 8 in Section 2.2 (Wendyโ€™s Arrivals). First, load the data into R. The head(Table8,n=5) command will display the variable name along with the first 5 observations in the data set.

Table8 <- read.csv("https://sullystats.github.io/Statistics6e/Data/Chapter2/Table8.csv")
##   Arrivals
## 1        7
## 2        5
## 3        2
## 4        6
## 5        2

Notice the name of the variable is Arrivals.

We will use the Mosaic package. If you have not installed the package, use the following:


The syntax for the dot plot is


gf_dotplot(~Arrivals,data=Table8,title="Arrivals at Wendy's")