title: “Using favstats( )”
output: html_document

If necessary, install the Mosaic package.


Rather than calling individual statistics for R to compute, we can use favstats( ) in the Mosaic package to get a variety of statistics with a single command. Let’s use the data from Table 7 in Section 3.2 to illustrate how to use favstats( ).

Table7 <- read.csv("https://sullystats.github.io/Statistics6e/Data/Chapter3/Table7.csv")
##   University  IQ
## 1          A 136
## 2          A  81
## 3          A  80
## 4          A  85
favstats(IQ ~ University,data=Table7)
##   University min Q1 median  Q3 max   mean        sd   n missing
## 1          A  60 90    102 110 141 100.00 16.080605 100       0
## 2          B  86 94     98 107 119 100.01  8.357535 100       0

We will determine the standard deviation of each schools’ IQ score to verify University A has more dispersion.

sd(IQ ~ University,data=Table7)
##         A         B 
## 16.080605  8.357535

The standard deviation for University A is 16.1 and the standard deviation for University B is 8.4. University A has more dispersion in IQ scores.