Base R

To find the least-squares regression model, use the lm() command. From that result, we can find the standard error.

We will use the cholesterol data from Section 14.1, Table 1.

Age <- c(25, 25, 28, 32, 32, 32, 38, 42, 48, 51, 51, 58, 62, 65)
Cholesterol <- c(180, 195, 186, 180, 210, 197, 239, 183, 204, 221, 243, 208, 228, 269)
Table1 <- data.frame('Age'=Age, "Cholesterol"=Cholesterol)
##   Age Cholesterol
## 1  25         180
## 2  25         195
## 3  28         186
## 4  32         180
## 5  32         210
## 6  32         197

Find the least-squares regression model and save it as an object.

lm_object <- lm(Cholesterol ~ Age, data=Table1)

To create a confidence interval for the mean value of the response variable, use the predict() command with interval = ‘confidence’.

##        fit      lwr      upr
## 1 210.1144 198.7704 221.4583
# NOTE: If the data is in a data frame, use the above code.  If the data is in a list (vector), use newdata=list('Age'=42). If a confidence interval for a different age is desired, change the value of '42' in the code to a different age.  If a different level of confidence is desired, change the level. 

We are 95% confident that the mean total cholesterol of all 42-year-old females is bewteen 198.8 mg/dL and 221.4 mg/dL.

To create a prediction interval for an individual response, change the interval to ‘prediction’.

##        fit      lwr      upr
## 1 210.1144 166.1801 254.0486

We are 95% confident that the total cholesterol of a randomly selected 42-year-old female is between 166.2 mg/dL and 254.0 mg/dL.