Load Table 8 from Section 3.2 into R. Recall, Table 8 from Section 3.2 is Table 1 from Section 3.1.

Table8 <- read.csv("https://sullystats.github.io/Stats7e/Data/Ch3/Table1.csv")
## If using Stats 6e:
## Table8 <- read.csv("https://sullystats.github.io/Statistics6e/Data/Chapter3/Table1.csv")
##   Score
## 1    82
## 2    77
## 3    90
## 4    71
## 5    62

In R, use the range function returns the minimum and maximum value in a data frame.

## [1] 62 94

The minimum value is 62 and the maximum value is 94.

To find the range (that is, the difference between the maximum and minimum value), use the diff function.

## [1] 32

The range is 94 - 62 = 32.